• CS3 Enabling Environments

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    Condition for Success CS3
    “Enabling Environments”
    Coordinator: UNESCO-IHE
    Core group members
    French National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments
    Alliance of Professional Associations
    UNESCO - World Water Assessment Programme
    TARGET TSG Coordinator(s) Regional Links*
    Target 1: By 2015, design and implement a programme, including in developing countries, to improve the delivery of research for water governance with a view to increase capacity/strengthen leadership of decision makers at various levels through establishing effective science-policy interfaces French National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments


    Target 2: By 2015, a global capacity development programme is in place to prepare educators of formal and non-formal education to effectively reach children, youth and adults through action education in 20% of countries, especially as related to sanitation and disaster preparedness Water Education For Teacher
    Target 3: By 2015, a programme is designed and implemented to ensure development and sustainability of vocational water training centres, in order to ensure implementation of a water technician and workers capacity building programme by 2020 International Network of Water Training Centres

    Moroccan National Office for Potable Water
    Target 4: By 2015, develop a globally validated comprehensive competency profile for water education along with the establishment, by 2020, of a global and integrated tertiary water education network by establishing and connecting water educational institutions of higher learning in regions where the issues are, with a view of halving the number of water professionals to be trained to meet the international development goals UNESCO-IHE

    UNU Bonn
    Target 5: By 2015, strengthen and establish effective public awareness raising networks of professional actors and young professionals in the water and sanitation sector by appropriate PR campaigns on water issues using, inter alia, new social media and by improved geographical coverage as well as by better quality of information, respectively; Develop guidelines regarding communication on drinking water, sanitation, hygiene, food security, and health issues towards specific audiences using appropriate technologies Alliance of Professional Associations

    Target 6: By 2020, set up a global mechanism to measure, monitor and share scientific and social data (on resources, access, treatment, cooperation, regulation, performance, footprints, financial flows…) at various levels and provide best practices and solutions to better inform policy making UNESCO - World Water Assessment Programme
    Target 7: By 2015, build a long-term vision, with appropriate scenario assessment toolkit including the development of relevant key global indicators, for water issues covering educational, technical, historical, ethical, social, economic, environmental and institutional aspects as well as those of cultural diversity Gulbenkian Think Tank on Water and the Future of Humankind

    Global Water Systems Project
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    * This column indicates when thematic and regional targets are matching and have a good potential for mutual contribution and partnership.

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